xiven.com stating the blatantly obvious since 2002

Essen Spiel 2007

Just got back from the Essen gaming fair. Will post the exciting details tommorow. ☺

Ok, so I didn't exactly achieve that one. Suffice to say, much fun was had, many games were bought (though mostly not by me). New games included Starcraft the Board Game (very good game that stays pretty true to the computer game in many ways), Race for the Galaxy (Kam's favourite new game), Galaxy Trucker (silly but great fun), Amyitis (another resource management type thing) and various others.

Posted: 2007-10-21 21:58:01 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (0) | Comments (2)




  • Xiven (Registered) (2007-10-25 16:41:55 UTC)

    For some definition of "tomorrow".

  • Tom Oliver (2007-11-17 08:43:32 UTC)

    Hey Xiv, remember me? I sure haven't forgotten you!!
    So where's this update you speak of? It's definately been more than until "tomorrow"!
    You're still a liar then I see. You still owe me that lawnmower! I'll never forget it! You probably thought I'd be mature by now right..WRONG!!
    I have to occasionally just go out there with scissors and slowly cut it away...Usually takes about a month to do the full lawn. Why can't you just give me what you promised?

    Talk to ya later buddy!!
    Love Tom! <3