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Viewing entries for June 2003

The Phantom of the Opera

Yay! Hixie has a job! Not just any job either: he's working for Opera, creators of the web browser of the same name.

Actually I already knew about this a couple of weeks ago, but it now seems that the cat is officially out of the bag (the real question is: which cruel person put the cat in the bag in the first place and why, but I digress).

Now Opera is not a bad browser. It has some good points:

Plus it seems that the team are quite dedicated to standards compliance.

It is not, however, without its faults:

...specifically, its support of the overflow CSS property seems to be flawed and it's completely screwing up the formatting of various other elements also. I'm pretty sure these problems aren't the fault of Voidwars' code (though it is possible - I will admit it's not the best written HTML in existence), but it would be nice to see it work.

Given this, and the number of other documented bugs in Opera's standards support I reckon that Hixie working for them is a very good thing indeed. ☺

Posted: 2003-06-30 14:26:13 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (0) | Comments (0)

This happens every now and again...

The perils of coding while tired.

Posted: 2003-06-23 10:58:36 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (0) | Comments (0)

I didn't do it!

I would like to quit both Game 1 and Game 2. I simply dont have enough time to play and also maintain balance in other areas of my life. - Random Voidwars Player #1

Going to take a holiday from this game. It's been great fun, but I *really* need to get on with real-life now. Thanks for the fun! - Random Voidwars Player #2

[17:10:17] <Hixie> xiven is ruining people's lives!

[20:15:56] <draq> Xiven: voidwars is ruining my life

Posted: 2003-06-21 12:27:33 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (1) | Comments (2)

A Necessary Evil

Signups are now open for Voidwars Game 2 (A Necessary Evil).

New and exciting additions to the game include:

So, in conclusion, lots of new features, go sign up now. ☺

Update: All places are full now. Sorry if you wanted to play and didn't get to sign up, but as always places in the game are strictly limited by the size of the game map.

Posted: 2003-06-05 18:04:43 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (0) | Comments (1)

[14:31:07] * Topic is 'WISH DRAQ/KAI A HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY !!! WOOPPPEEEE' Set by draq on Tue Jun 03 09:56:24

Happy birthday Kai! ☺

Posted: 2003-06-03 07:13:38 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (0) | Comments (1)