xiven.com stating the blatantly obvious since 2002

Preventative measures

Following the untimely demise of my previous hard drive I have decided to create myself a RAID 1 (mirroring) array. On the one hand it seems like a waste of a perfectly good 80 GB of space (disk space is not that cheap you know), but on the other hand, I can at least feel a little bit less vulnerable with regards to something similar happening again.

Posted: 2003-04-30 16:25:57 UTC by Xiven | Cross-references (0) | Comments (3)




  • Tim Scarfe (2003-05-02 18:08:57 UTC)

    Great work.

    Now you just need to manage the risk of your entire computer being stolen, or your house burning down.. Or is that a residual risk? :)

    Take care (Rimmer might be dead too, but he'll keep the deceased hard drive company).

  • Freaky (2003-05-03 08:49:49 UTC)

    > Now you just need to manage the risk of your entire computer being
    > stolen, or your house burning down.. Or is that a residual risk? :)

    Better store the second drive at someone elses house :)

    Finding an IDE cable that long might be troublesome, though...

  • Xiven (Registered) (2003-05-06 11:22:34 UTC)

    ..don't forget about virii, trojans, user error, lightning strike, destruction of Earth to make way for an interplanetary bypass, etc.