xiven.com The nonsensical ramblings of a web developer Recreating Atoms Earlier this year, one of my cousins reminded me about a game that we used to play on my old Amiga 500. The name of this game was “Atoms”, and it was a simple but somewhat addictive game created by Tom Kuhn that was given away on the coverdis... End scene After more than 11 years working at Opera Software I have decided to move on. A difficult decision to make to be sure, but I'm really looking forward to my new job. As of June 2018 I start work as a Backend Developer at Vivaldi Technologies AS.... SSH Key Authority demo server Following up on the recent open source release of our SSH Key Authority tool, there is now a demonstration server available. You can find it here: SSH Key Authority demonstration server Use one of the following sets of username / password credentia... Restoring a deleted custom field in JIRA from backups Imagine if you will, the hypothetical scenario where your newest JIRA admin has just managed to delete a custom field from your JIRA instance. This of course means that all data stored in that field has been deleted across all issues in all of your p... The Keys System Several years ago, when I was still working in the Core department at Opera Software, I became aware that the Information Services team had started using a web-based tool to manage SSH key access to root accounts on their servers (I discovered this w... DNS UI demo A month ago I announced the release of the Opera DNS UI tool. The GitHub page is not really much to look at on its own though, and it's a bit difficult to get a feel for what it does and how it works without seeing it in action, so I've now set up a ... Let's distrust StartCom. Let's encrypt instead Recently I noticed that the Opera developer browser had started rejecting the SSL certificate used by my server for this website. It worked fine in Opera, Opera beta, Chrome and Firefox on my PC, and Qualsys SSL Labs still reported the domain with an... Open sauce First post since 2013, better be for something good, right? Well no, not really. But hey it's something: my employer (Opera Software AS) has released as open source one of the projects that I've worked on during my time working here. Find it on Gi... PHP: Invalid UTF-8 characters in XML, revisited Back in 2008, I wrote a blog post with a function to clean up UTF-8 characters in PHP that were not valid in XML. Some lines of that function no longer work in newer PHP versions due to my use of a blacklist rather than a whitelist, and PHP still do... It's About Time Our awesome sysadmin team did some serious overtime over the weekend, thanks to a fun little leap second bug. It took down a scary number of servers, though fortunately our most important external public services escaped largely unscathed (mostly t...